What Can We Do to Help Survivors of Sexual Assault?

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The Prevalence of Sexual Assualt in the U.S.

Unfortunately, sexual assault is a reality for far too many people. According to the National Sexual Violence Resource Center (NSVRC), 1 in 3 women and 1 in 4 men will be victims of sexual violence at some point in their lives. This is a staggering statistic.


However, there are many ways we can show support to survivors of sexual assault. Here are some tips.

How to Support a Loved One Who is a Survivor of Sexual Assault

Knowing how to support a friend or loved one who has survived sexual assault can be challenging. Here are some suggestions that can help them through the healing process.


1. Believe them.

Many survivors of sexual assault do not come forward and tell their stories — and the result is that survivors do not receive any formal justice or acknowledgment of what happened to them. By letting your loved one know that you believe the experience that they endured, you are helping them feel validated and supported.

2. Listen to them.

Survivors of sexual assault often want to talk about their experiences but may not feel ready to do so right away. When they are ready, be a good listener – let them choose how much or how little they want to share, and don't press them for details.

3. Be patient.

The healing process after sexual assault or rape can be long and difficult. It is essential to be patient with your friend or loved one as they work through their experiences.

4. Offer practical support.

Your loved one may need practical assistance in the aftermath of sexual assault, such as help with transportation, child care, or housing. It can be beneficial and a relief for them if you can offer this type of support.

5. Help them connect with resources.

Many organizations and resources are available to survivors of sexual assault or rape. Help your friend or loved one connect with these resources.

6. Respect their choices.

Every survivor of sexual assault will have different needs and preferences for how to cope with their experiences. It is essential to respect the choices your friend or loved one makes about their healing process.

7. Be there for them when they need you.

Survivors of sexual assault often need time to heal, but it is essential to let them know you are there for them. When they know that you are available to listen and offer support, it can be comforting to them.

How to Get Legal Help After Sexual Assault

If you or someone you know has been sexually assaulted, it is vital to get legal help. Our experienced trauma-informed attorneys can guide you through the process of seeking justice. If you have any questions about your rights or options, know that we have the answers and guidance you need.

Contact } at (303) 835-9227 to receive a free and confidential consultation with a compassionate legal advocate.